Friday, February 16, 2007

Chpter 003

You must be thinking that being a teen spy is cool & all.
Well, sure. I mean, I love the gadgets - e.g. the awesome iron-melting zit zapper, the exploding chewing gum.
& there's the part where I had to go through this combat training course, where you get to do flying kicks & learn how to punch people in the guts... Without breaking a nail.

Or you're wondering how I got this oppurtunity.
I was just trying to sign up for this Kim Possible be-a-spy contest two years ago. They asked me for the general information &... a not-so-general survey which asked questions like, "What was your grade average?" or "Have you ever been severely assaulted?"
& boom! The next day itself, they sent me a "CONGRADULATIONS!" letter of acceptance, & stating the time for training.

I was only 12, ok? How was I supposed to know that I had joined up into an organization for the world & be a super spy?

Anyway, as I climbed up the wall of the triplet towers of Malaxia to retrieve the bomb which one of my many villains had planted, I felt something vibrating in the pocket of my indigo leather suit.
I took out my phone & saw the Caller ID which read, "Chaz".

Carefully, I stayed in a comfortable & stable position - well, as comfortable & stable as you can be when you're hanging 60 feet up in the air, clinging onto a building - & answered the call.

"Yea, hello?"
"Hey, Kat! Just checking up on you. Where did you disappear to?"
"Oh, um. Well. Kinda long story. Sorry, I gotta go." I quickly hung up the phone & continued my climbing to the top of the tower.

I felt guilty hanging up on Chaz so quickly. It seems that I kept doing that to him.
I was just inches away from the bomb, which was ticking so loudly that I could still hear it, even if my ears were filled from the roaring of the wind.

Seriously. Climbing up on the 3rd tallest building in the world to retrieve a ticking bomb, which belonged to a mad scientist who's only achievement is to conquer the world is no easy thing to do.

I heard a mad cackling - the trademark laughter of Dr Crook.
"Give it up, girlie."
Huh. It seems that Leia isn't the only one with lame insults. "You're no match for Dr Cro- OW!"

I had no time to listen to the stupid villain-gloat thing. I was late for Biology!

I took the bomb & reset the time, swiftly missing Dr Crook's attempt to sucker-punch me, which wasn't quite fair since he was up there in a blimp while I was clinging onto a building.
"So you wanna play unfair, doc? Bring it on!" I said, tightening the leather gloves around my fists.

Putting the bomb in my bulletproof bagpack, I did a somersault & safely landed inside his blimp.
His bushy, wild white hair was moving around his head like a halo of an angel - though that phrase is not exactly suitable for a villain like him.
I managed to punch him in the gut & he went down.

Going 1, 2, 3...

The plane suddenly went flying to the right a little too much for my comfort. It swooped down & I realised that Dr Crook had disactivated the auto-pilot on his vehicle.

I ran to the control room & grabbed the steering wheel & brought the plane to a stable & steady pace.
"Phew. Too close." I said & wiped my forehead with the back of my hand.

A sleek, silver jet passed by & I heard the Chief's voice.
He was using that megaphone. I swear, he loves it or something.

"Good work, Agent. We'll have him in the locker for now. Go to HQ immediately."
I nodded & saluted him before following him back to the office.

"WHAT?! No way. I work alone." I said - no, screamed at the Chief.
How can he just sit there, looking so calm & collected as I threw the book at him? How can he tell me that I've been assigned to a new partner in my future missions?

I mean, I've seen this in movies. Those who work alone works better than those who gets stuck with lazy partners who does nothing but loll around with a can of beer - root or hard - in their hand.

"You have no choice in this matter. I know that you take pride in your works & your loyalty towards our organization is astounding. But we have noticed that the quality of your leadership is increasing by percentage. You are now officially one of our top agents in this place! So what better way than to have a better team? I assure you, your partner's a very nice lad. Why, he's ev-"
"I don't care!" I shrieked. "I started alone. Let me continue working alone."

"Why, look at the time. You're late for your Biology class. Carry on." he said & with that dismissal, I fumed my way to the girls' bathroom of Orlando High.

"What's with the long face?" Chaz asked me as he walked beside me.
"Nothing. It's just... A long day." I sighed.
"Don't worry. They say that there's always a reward for putting up for the world's longest day." he winked.
I laughed & playfully pushed him.

"Hey, I just want to make a quick stop at Moonbucks. You can go back, if you want." I said to Chaz.
Then, it was Chaz's turn to have the long face.
"But it isn't safe for a girl like you to just wan-"
"God, Chaz. You're my boyfriend. Not my father." I said & gave him a peck on the cheek again.

He smiled & said, "Okay. Just... Promise me you'd be safe."
"Yes, sir. Sir, yes sir!"

I pushed open the door of MoonBucks. It was just a few blocks away from my house.
The tingle of the bell. It was so soothing. I love MoonBucks.
& I know I already have a boyfriend, but there are way too many cute guys wandering here.

I mean, look at the guy behind the cashier! So hot...
There aren't many brunette guys in this neighbourhood. Seeing one is so rare, it'd just give me this tingle.
Look at the guy! Broad shoulders, tall, water-blue eyes...

Hey, waitasec. Why did he look so familiar?

I shruggged it off & went to the counter.
"Hey, can I have a Mocha Latte Expresso? With Whipped cream? Thanks." I said.
"No problem." He looked up & gave a glance at me.

Ohmygod, it's Grant!
What's he doing in Coffee Heaven? Pompous asses aren't allowed in soothing cafes. This is practically a sanctuary from obnoxious people.

The bad mood was getting to me. My smile vanished & I walked to a table for two, which was next to the window.
I took out my MacBook & started doing my research on cells for Biology.

"One expresso grande, ready." a deep voice said & I saw Grant with my Mocha Latte in his hand.
"Thank you." I said in a not-so-grateful way & snatched my Mocha Latte.
I don't want the dude to pass on his germs to mine.

Okay, that was a flashback from the 4th grade, when I was paranoid of cooties.

"No need to be so grabby. Why don't you let me make you another Latte? On the house? Or on me, anyway." Grant said with a wink as he swung the chair from the other table to my table.
Is he trying to flirt with me or something? Can't he see I'm with Chaz?
I rolled my eyes at the lame pick-up line he had just used.
"Do you use that line on all the girls you see?"
"Well, only to the special ones."
"Right. Because of my having to tip you a buck?"
"Maybe." he smiled & went off.

The jerk never came back with my latte. Not like I was waiting.
For more than 20 minutes.
I had already took off after that. The dude had bad vibes.

I slept in early so I came early to school. It was only 15 minutes past 8, so I decided to go to the library & study for a while.
Being a true geek that I am, I decided to go to a quiet corner so that I won't be disturbed by the noisy jocks or the like.
I could really use the study anyway. I mean, I've been skipping classes for missions too lo-

"Kath, wake up." I heard a deep voice & felt someone shaking my arm.
"Huh? What? Oh G-" I realised I fell asleep in the library! Talk about embarrassing.

"Good morning to you too, Sleeping Beauty." he smirked.
Ugh! That smirk. Being awoken from a guy with this smirk on his face isn't the most pleasant thing on Earth, in my opinion.
"Look, what are you doing here so early? I get it, you're a new kid but really. You're gonna be tagged a geek li-"
"Like you?"
My face turned red with embarrassment. Does this guy really have to do this now, so early in the morn?
"Yes, like me." I said huffily.
"To answer your first question. You forgot to take your latte. Just thought you might need it now." he said with a wink & left.

I stared blankly at the space he was sitting just half a minute ago & in his place was a cup of steaming, hot Mocha.
I reached out for the piping hot cup & smiled at the art. It read "Sorry" just like in Catwoman.

Damn him.

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