Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Chpter 004

"Oh, Adam... You're so sweet." Lucy said as the infamous class clown of the seniors came over by his side. I quickly turned over to avoid gaping at the make-out scene.
The table next to theirs, the 2nd most famous couple came along, Rose & Danny sat by, talking calmly over something, I don't know.
Not like I was eavesdropping or anything.

"What are you staring at?" Grant asked as he plopped his tray across mine, blocking my view of the seniors.
"Them. The Miss-Match Twins. Two years ago, they must've been sitting here & being the new kids. Now look at them! They practically rule the school, or whatever." I said with a frustrated sigh.
"Don't mind her." Chaz said. "She's always obsessed over the Miss-Match Twins."
"Am not!"
"Yes, you are. You'd either gasp about Rose's sudden change of hairstyle - obviously done by Lucy - or shriek on how cool Lucy's latest outfit is."
"Stop it! You're making me sound like a cheerleader or something. I hate myself already." I said & hit him.

The thing is, I'm glad that Chaz doesn't mind Grant hanging around alot since I've to be his tour guide.

"So... What are you doing this noon?" Chaz asked slyly.
"Going at Hole-in-1. Remember? I signed up for the charity's golf event?" I said.
"Man... I hate golf! Well, too bad. I'm already busy anyway." he said with a smile.

"Fore!" I yelled as I swung my golf club like a madwoman trying to swat a fly.
I opened my eye & fumed. The ball was still there!

Seriously. This'd drive you crazy too if you were one of the top spy in your agency - managing to kick villains' behinds & all - but cannot, it seems, to get a hole-in-one.

It seems that golfing is a sport where old folks get to laugh at us youths in our attempt to achieve this stupid sport.

"Hey... You want some help?" I heard a deep voice ask behind me.
I turned around with this big smile, so that he can give me pointers & hoping that he was a cute guy too.
My smile vanished.
'Oh. Just Grant.' I thought.

"Yea, that'd be nice." I said. "Hey, how many part-time jobs do you have?"
He gave me this mysterious smile & said, "Just a few."


He took the golf club away from my grip - ignoring my protests - & said, "You have to swing it like this. See?"
I didn't see any difference. I did that too.

I snatched my golf club from his grip & swung just like I did the first time, & still the darn golf ball sat there!

"No... You didn't listen to me the first time."
He inched closer to me & enveloped his arms around mine.
"Like this..." he said in my ear softly.
"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" I said, louder than his tone.
I mean, would you like it if some guy just practically hugged you when you're already taken??

"You asked for my help, didn't you?" he said calmly, still not moving a muscle from his position.
"Yea, but not like this!" I couldn't help but to think that his arms were nice & warm.
"Only because you weren't listening. The more you protest, the more I'd have to stay like this."

That I heard. I quickly shut up & listened to him.

He guided my arms & gently swung it back & fro, back & fro.
'You know... This isn't so bad.' I thought to myself.
Back & fro... Back & fro...
Until I heard a crack!

He actually helped me into hitting the ball!
I looked at where the golf ball went. It went right into the hole!

"Thanks." I smiled to him.
"No prob." he said & smiled back. "... Would you like me to let go of you anytime soon now?"
I gaped at him - I didn't know whether to feel mad or embarassed.
So I picked both.

I stepped on his foot - he let go of me & started hopping on one foot while repeatedly saying, "Ow! Ow!"
I left off huffily.

Once a pompous ass, always a pompous ass.

"Hey, Chaz!" I said as I saw the noticeable scruffy, red hair amidst the crowd.
Usually he'd turn around & give me this warm smile, which would just make my heart flip.
But at that time, he just looked at me - like really look at me. For the first time - & turned around, heading into the school.

What was up with him? was all I could think of.

"Chaz! Chaz, Earth to Chaz?" I said when he came out of the Bio lab.
"What?" he said, a little too gruff.
"Geez... What's wrong?"
"Oh, you mean, asides the fact that you & some guy did PDA? Nothing." he said & walked past me.
He left me standing there in the hallway.

For the whole of that day, I didn't get to see either Chaz or Grant.
Some nerve that Grant had, though.
My boyfriend's mad at me only because he didn't know who hugged me - & that anonymous person was absent during that day.

But it was okay. Not having boys around gives you alot to think about, really.

That day, I realised that I should've been mad at Chaz.
I mean, he never asked me to be his girlfriend, come to think of it. He just admitted that he liked me & we started hanging around.
That's it.

So, technically... I wasn't taken? He had no right to be mad?
God, boys are so hard sometimes.

It had been 4 days since the Chief had contacted me. That was officially a new record!
Usually he'd be bugging me when I'm watching the latest Charmed episode or during swimming practise.
Now it seems that he'd finally left me alone.
That's good. All the men in my life (haha) has taken a break from it.
My life, I mean.

Who cares if they were, anyway? I mean, hello? I have a life of my own too!
They can't expect me to just hang around, right?
I have got to start hanging out with girls, instead of the opposite sex.

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